Thursday, October 1, 2009


We had a nice anniversary! Three years and each year just keeps getting better!

Ashly got to play soccer in the rain today. She plays goalie most the time. The Rangers are doing great this year. Today the score was 10 to 1. Also, I would like to congratulate Ashly on getting into the student council. There were many applicants and the students had to get permission slips signed by the parents and a teacher that approved. She'll have fun planning events and being involved with the school. I hope she likes it because I think there is more to school than sports.

Christopher had some sad eyes at daycare when I picked him up today, but he made it! Poor little guy. Hope he continues to feel better. This ear infection thing is a bummer.

Chadd and I are off to do some car shopping tomorrow! How exciting! I had to turn in the Camry tonight. I'm ok with that. I never really bonded with my Missouri car, Chadd said that it is because I'm still grieving ReyRey. I may not be ready to start a new relationship yet. I'll take it slow tomorrow :)

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