Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Hanten

In the bathroom of the hotel room...so much fun!!!

Beautiful girls...Ashly, Brittany and Jordyn!!!

Congratulations Blake and Jennie!

The three sisters!

Mom and Dad

The Larsons enjoying the reception. A HUGE THANK YOU to Sharon for all your help with Christopher. Chadd and I really apprecited it!!!

The wedding was wonderful. The Bride was beautiful and everyone had fun. We got to Fargo around 5pm on Friday and checked into the Radisson. We had rehearsal at the church at 6pm. Then we had a nice meal at a golf course. Saturday was busy. Everyone pitched in on Sat. morning to decorate the reception hall. I didn't help much since I had the busy boy that didn't sleep well on Friday night for me. What a long night! We used the hotel crib which didn't have bumpers and Christopher kept stirring and would scoot his head and it would press against the metal bars and he wouldn't get back to sleep.
The girls started getting their hair done at 1030am. We sat around the church for awhile after that. Mom and Dad brought subs. It was fun visiting with the photographer. She did my wedding and Steve's wedding. She is getting to know our family very well!!! Pictures started at 3pm. Of course, Christopher spit up his mixed veggies on Ashly's dress and all over himself. Luckily, it wiped right off Ashly's dress and I had a spare set of pants for him.

The ceremony was nice. Afterwards, the wedding party hopped on the party bus, dropped the three junior bridesmaids off at the reception hall, and hit a couple bars. The reception was decorated beautifully and it was so fun to see all our relatives. We even had family that came from Quebec, Cananda. Wow! Thanks again to Chadd's mom for watching Christopher all night for us. On Sunday there was a small family get together for gift opening. Then we made our way back home! It was a great weekend!

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