Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Good Grades Ashly!

Christopher is now entering a new stage and I love it!!!!'s hard to get anything done around the house! We have to do something with our recylcing and our garbage. It's just not going to work out to pick that up 150x a day! He'll crawl from room to room now...there's no telling where he is if you don't keep a close eye on him. Chadd's next project is to build a gate for our stairway. I will feel better when that is up. Christopher loves to drink water out of a glass. He will drink out of a regular glass like in the picture or a sippy cup. He's just not good at holding it himself yet, but he's got how to drink it down pat!

The kids and I are off to Langdon. We are taking advantage of school being out for Ashly (teacher's convention) and we are going to spend some time with my parents. I'm super excited! Chadd is going to do a little Doe hunting in Wis. Good luck there, Chadd!!!

We had Ashly's school conferences last night. Way to go Ashly!!! I'm very proud of her...mostly all A's!!!

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