Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Running Aces

We spontaneously went to the horse races last night. The race track is right outside of Forest Lake. It was the first time for us so we didn't know what to expect. It was dollar hot dog, chips and soda night. The atmosphere was kid friendly. Christopher loved running all around outside and you could go right up to the fence when the race was going on.

It rained on and off so we did spend some time in the building.

Chadd had some luck at betting. You can bet in person or on a machine. We purchased "Rick's Picks" for $1 to guide us in the right direction for betting. I think we won more than we lost, but it was hard to keep track with a 2 year old!


Here's our winnings!!! I think we broke even for the night. What we spent is what we won!

So in that case, a free entertaining evening was had by all!

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