Monday, August 1, 2011

Mountain Deuce of August

Christopher and I headed to Langdon to my mom and dad's house to pick up Ashly and spend some time with them. We have had some really fun times here. Saturday morning we went to the parade in Mountain. The town has an icelandic heritage. We saw a parade, they had a jumpy thing for Christopher to play in, we ate fair food and icelandic food, we watched icelandic dancers and a tractor pull. The celebration is called the Deuce of August and happens on the weekend closest to August 2nd. They always have a street dance at night and forty-some years ago that is where my mom and dad met!

This was Christopher's first parade that I have been to him with. He was waving to everyone and with Ashly's help, loved picking up all the candy that was thrown to him!

Picking up tootsie rolls! Beside tootsie rolls and suckers, there were also freezie pops and stuffed animals thrown at the kids. Christopher got a pink teddy bear!

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