Saturday, August 27, 2011

Family 5K

The four of us had a great run at the family 5K at Hugo Saturday morning.

Christopher was happy as could be and rode in the stroller really well.

Here we are prerace.

Ashly and I running just in front of Chadd. Ashly did an awesome job and would have really hit it hard if it were track season right now!

Chadd sped ahead at the end so he could get my picture at the finish line! So, here I am! 38 minutes!!!

Afterwards, drinking some water and relishing in the victory!!!! Our goal was to run/walk it in 45 minutes. I was happy we were under 40 minutes. This was my first race ever. I'm no jogger so this was as good as it gets with me!

The giant finish line!

We had subway and cookies and bananas afterward.

Thanks to my wonderful husband for being supportive. I had fun doing this as a family!

Christopher had all sorts of energy after the race, the rest of us, not so much!


DQ treats later for a job well done!

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