Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dresden Museum

When I visited my parents last week, we went to the Dresden Museum where my dad has his Coast Guard uniform on display. Since this museum isn't something you have to pay to go to, I thought it wouldn't be breaking any laws to show you some of what we saw that day.

This is one of my favorites! This is how you used to get a perm. Wow!

It looks more like a torture chamber than a beauty shop.







This is a steam bath. I don't know exactly what that means, but it's weird.

Here's dad's Coast Guard Uniform.

Ashly wearing Dad's Coast Guard Cap.

Old jail cell

Old School House

We have a relative in that picture

Another relative

Baby walker. Not quite as cute and colorful as they are these days!

Baby crib

Inside the "choo choo"

This is "Grandpa's Truck!" We stopped for a picture after the museum, but Christopher was way past nap time and unfortunately he didn't enjoy it like I know he would normally. Next time we are in Langdon we will have to show him the truck again. We talk about it all the time since Grandpa gave him a toy truck like this for Christmas last year!

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