Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trip home

Ashly, Christopher and I went home during MEA (teacher's convention). We had a great trip. We left on Tuesday after school and stayed at Steve and Libby's new house in East Grand Forks. I was being lazy and left my camera in the car so, sorry, I don't have any pictures. Next time! We had fun though, watching PeeWee Herman!!! And Christopher had a blast playing with their cats - Thax and Bowie - it's really too bad I didn't get pictures!

The rest of the trip we stayed at mom and dad's in Langdon. Here Christopher is dressing up in Grandma's necklaces!!! A proud moment for Chadd, I'm sure! Ha!

Celebrating my 34th birthday, which is this Thursday!

Brittany, Ashly and Jordyn. Bobbi was there too, I guess I didn't get a picture of her, but had a great time catching up with everyone!

Rocking with Grandpa.

Playing with some old toys.

Copying Grandma!
It was a great trip and it was fun to see everyone!

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