Thursday, October 14, 2010

The joys of motherhood

Here's Ashly in her homecoming spirit week attire. This was a couple weeks ago.

Well, even though I didn't work today, I spent a good part of my afternoon at the clinic. Dealing with a really, really, really bad diaper rash on Christopher. I couldn't quite figure out if I was just supposed to wait it out and it'll get better eventually and was I overreacting??? Well, it was a gut feeling that I just needed to go to the doctor. So, I decided to go today since I work tomorrow and when the doctor looked at his butt, she said, "Oh no...that is not good." Not exactly what you want to hear, however, made me feel good that I made the right choice to go to the doctor. So long story almost over...we got three creams - antifungal, antibacterial and a steriod. The doctor said it'll take a week before it'll clear up, so I wish his bottom well!!! And Ashly got the flu shot today. Three down, one to go...that's you, Chadd!!!

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