Monday, August 16, 2010

Many Birthdays

We spent Sunday at the Lake Minnetonka cabin celebrating birthdays for our nieces, Jackie and Emily and nephew, Nick and cousin, Christian. It was also a going away party for Christian, he is on his way to college in Montana. We wish him luck!

Rose, Jackie and Ashly

Nick on the left and Emily blowing out her birthday candles.

The kids gathered around the cake.

Unfortunately, Christopher did not feel well yesterday and threw-up several times. He slept through the night so I thought he was better and took him to daycare. But I ended up having to pick him up early and he can't go to daycare tomorrow due to his "bad" diapers. Luckily big sister to the rescue. Thank goodness school hasn't started so I can take advantage of my Ashly!

We are headed to South Dakota on a family vacation. We are leaving Tuesday evening after work and returning on Sunday. Hope the sickness doesn't follow us to another state!

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