Wednesday, August 25, 2010

18 Month Checkup

Remember this pudgy little baby? Can you believe he is already 18 months old!!!

Today Christopher had his 18 month well child visit. I did not have any concerns other than his eczema is still pretty bad, but there isn't anything much to do about that so I don't worry about it. He has a prescription for 2.5% hydrocortisone to treat it. I have noticed he is trying to talk more, for example, he will say "hot" when I give him warm food and when I ask him what a duck says, he says "quack, quack" (most the time!). We are also working on names of body part with the help of the song "head, shoulders, knees and toes!"

He hasn't gained any weight since his 15 month appointment, but he's a good eater so no worries there! All his running around and nonstop moving is burning those calories!

His stats:

Weight: 25 lbs 5 oz. (40 Percentile)
Height: 32.9 inches (64 Percentile)
Head circumference: 18.5 inches (26 Percentile)

Next appointment is a two year checkup, other than going in for a flu shot in the fall. I wish him, us and all of you a healthy fall and winter. Kinda nervous about what he'll catch, but we'll take it as it comes.

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