Thursday, February 18, 2010

Playing around

Dancing in the kitchen, probably to "the itsy, bitsy spider" or "row,row, row your boat"

Playing with elmo phone, "la, la, la,, la, la, la...elmo's world...elmo's world" (don't pretend you don't know that song!)
Christopher is getting teeth number 7 and 8 on the bottom. I have a whole other mouth to take to the dentist in the coming years...I'm so excited about that, can't you tell?!
I just love when I pick Christopher up from daycare and they tell me he had a good day. Almost everytime I pick him up they say that and it just makes me so happy! (random thought, I know)
Ashly said the newspaper came and took her picture, so watch for her in the Forest Lake paper about her award!

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