Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This is Christopher drinking milk for the first time!!! This week I have taken away his bottle and switched from formula to whole milk. It's going ok. Sometimes he does his "I want a bottle whine" but we substitute with a sippy cup of milk, water or juice and he seems to be getting enough liquids. He has his one year checkup today.
Yesterday and today after school, Ashly had Yellow Ribbon training sessions. She was chosen by school staff to participate in this program. A lady from Fairview comes into the school to talk to a select group of students. It's a suicide prevention program and Ashly is part of the helping end. She said that if there were certain students that were depressed or suicidal, they are called upon to help mentor and be involved in some counciling with them to help them. I hope there's not a great need for that, but there must be enough if they have a program in place like this.

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