Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I think the pictures will speak for themselves, but we had a wonderful birthday weekend!!! It was so much fun that my parents came to stay the weekend and that Chadd's family could join us for the birthday festivities on Saturday evening.

Fun new basketball hoop from Grandma and Grandpa Symons

Bathtime fun with Grandma Symons

My cute little duckie!

Ashly bought material with some of her birthday money and made herself a blanket.

Christopher's new wheels from Nana and Papa Larson!

Oh...and spoons from Grandma and Grandpa Symons, a V-day gift! Chadd threw them in the sink to get washed and I said what are you doing??? Those go in the toy box, not the kitchen!

I wanted birthday hats, but since I didn't go to a party city, I had to settle on the only choice Forest Lake Walmart had...sponge bob!

Grandma Symons and C man

Ohhhh...what a cute family!

Bowling at Stars and Strikes. Anyone remember who won???? Oh, it was ME!!!

Professional bowler, that's me. This is my third time bowling since I met Chadd!

These are some balls Christopher won't be able to throw! He does love to play ball at home though.

Birthday boy fell asleep in Nana arms at the bowling alley. He stayed up until 11pm to eat his birthday cake.

The kids bowling.

Nate playing games in the arcade.

Val, Emily and Nick in the arcade.

The birthday girl and Jackie playing.

This is the grandparents table! It appeared they enjoyed the entertainment at the bowling alley.

Happy Birthday Ashly and Christopher!

It was worth it to get the hats!

The kids table. We had tacos!

The adult table. I don't think we could fit anyone else in our house.

Opening gifts. Thanks everyone for the wonderful gifts. And thanks for the gifts from Fargo people too!

Daddy and daddy jr. Chadd made sure to read all the cards out loud, they went something like this "blah, blah, blah!"

Big boy's birthday cake Nana Larson made. Thanks!!!

Ashly's angel food cake I made.

Here it is...the famous birthday cake moment. He didn't make a mess, he just ate the cake and loved it! Then again, there hasn't been a food he hasn't like yet!

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