Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Almost one!

What a helpful little man. I actually thought he was bringing me the papertowels.

Oops..he dropped them.

He was very determined to pick it up.


Run away with them!!!
I can't believe my little boy is going to be one years old next week!!! This year went by so fast. You get so used to packing 800 bags wherever you go. I have this master list I created to help with packing. It's just going to get easier now though. I'm planning on switching him to whole milk and getting rid of the bottles next week. What a mile stone! I hope it goes well. I don't believe in the whole weaning's painful! I tried that so many times with night time feedings and it never worked (btw...we are done with those now too!!!). If he wakes up now, we just give him his nuk and hopefully (sans ear infection) he goes back to sleep.
Also, kinda crazy that Ashly will be 14! I don't even remember a time in my life without her. It just seems like she's always been with me. Before we know it I'll be planning a graduation.
Oh..and we figured it out...the year Ashly starts college, Christopher starts kindergarten. Does that still qualify as "empty nesters?" !!!!!

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