Friday, January 22, 2010

Sick again

The rats...

are attacking...

...really. we had a little scare yesterday. Christopher has been sick with a cough and runny nose since Monday eve. I was paying close attention to how he was doing and thinking maybe not a big deal this time. He wasn't sleeping real well and I did give him motrin in the middle of the night for both of our well being! So when Chadd drops Christopher off at daycare on Thursday morning, they say that two of the babies there have RSV and one is in the hospital with pnemonia too. So then I got to thinking what is Christopher has that and is he ok? Before I could worry too much the daycare called me at work to make sure I worried :{ I decided to take him to see the doctor. Turns out he has an ear infection. Poor little guy. Back on antibiotics. I was hoping he was done with those after having such a bad episode of those back in October. He's still got a cough and runny nose, but hopefully he'll get better now on the antibiotics. I just hate when anybody is sick.

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