Thursday, January 14, 2010


Big boy drinking out of a sippy cup. He loves his water! I've given him juice a couple times, but mostly water.

My prediction is that he will be a righty! Over the last while, I've been watching him pick up his food and he seems to be doing it mostly with his right hand. He can do either, but it's looking like this is the predominant side. That's less thing to worry about since I'm a lefty, those darn scissors just do not work for us!!!

He loves Eggos. I bought the new multigrain eggos...still trying to keep him healthy before he gets sucked into the McDonald happy meals stage in life! I know Ashly had a few of those growing up and she turned out fine though :)

The food and the sippy cup end up on the floor. It's very common to take a sip and throw it on the floor. Ha, ha,'s so funny - or so he thinks!

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