Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Christopher loves to stand hanging on the edge of the couch! It appears that Christopher is feeling better from his ear infection. He is on antibiotics for 10 days. I gave him motrin to sleep on Friday through Monday night. So, I thought I better stop drugging my kid. I did not give him anything last night. He woke up at 300am. Wouldn't go back to sleep with the nuk, gave him a bottle, then he went back to sleep. Not too bad of a night. Wish us luck tonight. I just looooove when he sleeps through the night! I never thought sleep would mean so much to me.
Still waiting to hear the fate of my car. The estimate is at $7000 and up right now. The shop said they would total it, but State Farm has to make the decision. That is the insurance we are dealing with since the accident was the other guy's fault, that is his insurance. I got my rental car which is a toyota camry, but the alignment is so bad. It pulls to the left so bad that Chadd asked them for a new car. Hopefully they will have another available for us tomorrow.

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