Friday, September 11, 2009

The first of many calls

Well, the honeymoon is over at daycare. On Wednesday, I got a call at 1030am at work from daycare, they told me Christopher was fussy. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do about it. So I worried about it all day at work, and when I picked him up, he was fine. He was fine for me yesterday at home. Then same thing today. Apparently he was fussy in the morning. But he is fine here at home. Hmmmm... Well, I'm happy he's not sick or anything, but the only thing we can narrow it down to is possibly that he doesn't like all the other little boys getting too close to him when they are playing. The afternoon daycare gal told me today that he played just fine when he was alone with the toys and all the other boys were still in the high chairs. Then when he was down on the floor and the other boys were too, he started crying. Well, he's going to have to get over that! He has to learn to play with other kids, or we have a long road ahead of us! I thought maybe the room just needs some girls! There are 6 or 7 boys in the infant room right now.
If you click on the last picture and blow it up, you can see Christopher's bottom two teeth!

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