Monday, September 28, 2009

Jen's Parties



Auntie Bobbi

Cousins Jordyn and Brittany, and friend Maddy

Uncle Steve and Auntie Libby (Christopher is smiling so big his cheeks are gonna burst!)

We had a fun trip to Fargo. It was busy. We got there just in time on Saturday to set up Jennie's Bridal Shower. We had a great time. It was a really nice shower. Then we went out to eat dinner for Libby's birthday. Then it was off in the party bus for Jen's Bachelorette Party. It was a wild, good time. Ironically, I didn't get any pictures of Jen to put on the blog. Wonder how that happened? Oh well, I plan on taking lots of pictures at the wedding in two weeks. Can't wait!!!

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