Monday, September 7, 2009


Christopher is almost 7 months old and he is growing like a weed. It is amazing how fast a baby grows their first year of life. As you can tell by the picture, he no longer fits in his vibrating chair! His legs hang over and I can't buckle the strap!

School starts tomorrow for Ashly. Bus comes at 7am. She is ready to go back. Two reason: "to see my friends and wear my new clothes." Well, learning isn't that important, I guess! That is Ashly for you. She is busy with soccer, and confirmation starts this week with a weekend retreat already on Sept 17/18th.

Chadd's parents are off on a trip of a lifetime right now. They are going to the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France and the UK. We wish them safe travels and a good time.

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