Wednesday, April 1, 2009


The hat was a gift.

I bought the cheaper version of one of those carriers. We'll see if I actually use it or not, but it seemed fun to try.

So...let's talk about texting and teenagers. Ok, ok...I'm sure you all could have told me that it would come to this, but we will all three have unlimited texting on our cell phones starting on April 7th. We have to pay another $30 a month, which I'm not excited about, but in this day in age I am finally convinced that a teenager cannot survive on 1500 texts a month. And we have been paying the high fees associated with going over. So...we will be a happy texting family by next Tuesday!

Speaking of next Tuesday, Ashly has her final band concert. The concerts are always entertaining. I will be curious to listen for some improvement as there were still many clarinet squeaks going on as we listened to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer last December. Ashly plays the flute, but is making a pretty grown up decision next year to take Spanish instead of band. She says, "you have to have a foreign language for college." Does it sound to anyone of you like Chadd's influence has wriggled it's way into her little head?

Ashly has track practice after school, then confirmation, then she is attending the Lent Church I will see her at 8 tonight. And Chadd went out of town today for work, so he'll be home later. It's just me and the babe all day and all evening together. We'll have to stay warm, it's icky and snowy outside, but nothing like Fargo! The snow just barely covers the grass here.

1 comment:

  1. I fear what our cell phone plans will be like when we the little ones are 13 as well! I guess the hat is like a Vikings Beret? Good luck with the carrier, I should try mine again sometime... I don't know if I want to be able do housework....
