Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Tummy time for Christopher!
So...Christopher and I went to the grocery store this morning, and when we were done, I decided to go through the Arby's drive thru to get myself a sandwich for lunch. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I don't like doing math in my head, but there is Arby's math, and then there is real math. Arby's math just shouldn't be that hard for anyone above, let's see, when do you learn addition and subtraction? By second grade? my total was $4.37. I gave him $20.37. The young man at the window got all flustered and had to call the manager. She explained to him that I would get $16 back. He nodded and she walked away. He started to get the money out, hesitated and called back the manager. He asked, "You said $16?" She says, "Yes, $16." He says "ok." He hands me $11. I tell him, "you only gave me $11." He gets flustered. He calls the manager back, I wave the ten dollar bill and the one dollar bill in the air that he just gave me. "He only gave me $11," I say. She smiles at me and opens the drawer of the cash register so he can fix his mistake. She walks away. He gets flustered. He grabs a bunch of one dollar bills, starts to count them, stops, and just decides to hand me the stack. I count them...there are $4 there. I tell him he owes me one more dollar because he owed me a total of $5 more. He gets flustered. He hesitates. Then he hands me one more dollar. I say thank you and drive away. How painful! Regardless, I enjoyed my food. And, oh, make sure your kids do their math homework!

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