Monday, April 20, 2009

Nice weather

It was beautiful weather outside on Saturday. Chadd, Christopher and I walked to Subway in Wyoming Sat. afternoon while Ashly hung out with her friend, Kayla.
I love every minute with Christopher. I am noticing small changes in his behavior that show me he is learning everyday. He sucks on his fists a lot. His fists always go straight to his mouth. Also, if you make eye contact, he will have a conversation with you. It's so cute. You can tell he is trying to talk because he makes a lot of movements with his mouth and little coos and noises come out, usually with a smile. He is really smiley in the morning when he is well rested. He loves to lay on his back and look at the toys hanging on the activity mat. Now he is starting to "hit" the toys more, not quite grabbing, but getting closer. He likes to be swaddled at nap time and nighttime. He is sleeping pretty good at night. He goes down around 10:00pm and gets up once, anywhere between 300am or 4am. A few times he has "slept through the night" and did not wake up until 5 or 530am. Those are very happy nights for mommy! It's getting better, but we are still using the vacuum cleaner CD to keep him sleeping once we put him down. He is still sleeping in the bassinet. I'm thinking about switching to the crib soon. He starts daycare in two weeks so I think that will help me. It will be nice that the daycare ladies (they have names, I'm sure) will get to know Christopher really well, so they will have helpful advice and find things that work for him from their experience and expertise.

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