Monday, April 27, 2009

The nurse was right

What is Chadd actually doing in those pictures? wasn't a setup for a photo shoot. He really was doing Christopher's laundry! He was a little bit out of his element, but he did a good job, and it was much appreciated! I guess the nurse was right at the hospital when we had Christopher, she told me "your husband's a keeper!" And asked me where I found such a good guy! Maybe it was because when she was trying to give us instructions, Chadd whipped out a lunch box with a homemade breakfast he made and brought to me in the hospital, or maybe it was just that every time something needed to be done, Chadd was right there helping me! Despite what anyone would have thought about Chadd and babies...he does a great job and he is a great dad! The most appreciated help is night feedings on the weekends...thanks for all you do to help me Chadd :) (disclaimer: that does not mean that he will offer to change your baby's diapers!)

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