Friday, February 13, 2009

High Bilirubin

Christopher had a checkup today at the clinic. Everything is great, except he was looking pretty yellow. So when they checked his bilirubin it was 17.9 (for my lab tech friends!). That's high. Homehealth is dropping off bili blankets this afternoon. I don't know how these work so it'll be a learning process for me. Then the homehealth nurse will stop by tomorrow to take a blood sample from him and recheck his bilirubin level. I'm really happy that they offer these homehealth visits because Chadd and I became the paranoid parents today at the clinic, sitting in the waiting room with all these sick kids. I don't want Christoper to catch anything. Chadd and I both had the same thoughts as we got in the elevator after our appointment and made sure the door closed before the dad and his sick daughter holding a puke bucket could get on. I know it's rude, but all of a sudden I turned into that kind of parent! I think we'll stay home for a while! He has his next scheduled doctor's appointment for 2 weeks, and that is on Tuesday, Feb 24th at 945am.

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