Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blah

Well, I figure I mostly write about the good stuff in life on my blog, but we all know life is not perfect. As a matter of fact, right now, I feel "blah." Work is short staffed and we are training students and new employees and I have a hard time getting out of there when I'm supposed to. I'm exhausted and tired. I got to spend last night on my hands and knees scrubbing up Ashly's puke because she happened to spray the shower, toilet and wall last night. She spent the day home from school today with the stomach flu. This is the third time this year. Crazy. Luckily, she is feeling better tonight and hopefully will be off to school tomorrow feeling better. And I AM SICK OF BEING PREGNANT! Well, that's how I feel in a nutshell. I have my moments where I remember I am lucky and nothing is really wrong - we are all healthy, baby is good, still have our jobs, have a nice, warm home - but then, my hormones kick in and it doesn't seem to matter, I still want to cry. I only have 10 days to go...

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