Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2 week checkup went well

Everything was great at Christopher's 2 week checkup. He's weighs 9 pounds 0.6 ounces! Big boy! He eats a lot, that's for sure. He goes back at 2 months to get shots. I stopped by the lab and visited with my coworkers after his appointment. It was fun to show Christopher to everyone. We stayed for almost an hour. Then we went back to the clinic at 330 so Ashly could get some vaccines as well. Gee, you would think if I was on maternity leave I wouldn't spend so much time at Fairview! Speaking of work, I got the full 12 weeks off! Yeah! I'm very excited. I don't have to go back to work until May 4. Very grateful for that time I can spend with Christopher.

Ashly had an orthodontist appointment yesterday, so the three of us made the trek to there together. Christopher did well and slept the whole time. I'm getting more used to the running around with him. It helps if I feel ok and rested. Yesterday I did not. When we got home, Ashly watched him from 430-730 so I could sleep. It's awesome to have Ashly around! Then Chadd came home and helped too. It's nice relief after being alone all day with him. Although, I'm cherishing every moment I get to spend with him!

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