Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bilirubin down some

Christopher's bilirubin was down a couple points yesteday (15.7) so that was good news. The doctor said to keep the bili blanket on him all weekend and call to make an appointment Monday morning to see her. I'm sure they will check it when we are at the clinic. Hopefully it's down enough by then to be done! At least it's a fixable problem that we will be done with soon. It's been a hassle to have the blanket which is hooked up to a machine. But it could be worse, so I'm not going to complain!

Chadd is going back to work tomorrow. I'm sad. He has been such a wonderful help, I wish we could have more time together. My parents are coming until Thursday so I will still have awesome help. I won't be on my own until next week!

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