Sunday, September 23, 2012

Train ride gone bad was my idea.  I have no one to blame, but I saw an ad in the paper for Ironhorse Train Museum  "hobo days"  with train rides!  Now, doesn't that sound like fun for a family with a three year old boy to do on a beautiful Fall Saturday morning?  I thought so!

First, it was expensive.  $32 for three of us.  Okay, we will move on from that.  We get there and walk around the museum and in the old trains before it's time for a train ride.  At this point, we are all having fun.  Look at Christopher's smile!

Yep, that's us....still having fun.

Christopher was a little freaked out by the statues.  He didn't want to be alone with them, but we made him touch them, then he felt a little better about it.  I told him they were "really big dolls!"
BTW...still having fun.

 Here we are boarding the open train car.  We thought it would be a blast to ride the train outside, instead of in an enclosed car.

There's the steam.  We waited about 20 minutes once we got on for the train to actually go.  By that time Chris had already lost interest and wanted to get off.  We convinced him we were going soon and it's gonna be "so much fun!"  This is the part in the story where we STOPPED HAVING FUN!  The whistle blew three times, Christopher started shaking and crying and clinging to us for dear life.  The train proceeds to go and blows box elder bugs off the trees with it's steam all over us and showers us with ashes that burn our coats.  Great.  Glad we paid $32 for Christopher to develop a fear of trains and for us to have our clothes ruined.  It was bad enough that we had to go around the track once, but then we went around a second time.  Chalk that up to a bad experience.  We had ashes all over us, wrecked clothes and a crying little boy.  I have officially declared myself "incompetent" of choosing a family activity.  Gee...not what I had in mind at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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