Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chadd's Project

This is Chadd's project.  It is an outhouse in our driveway.  Was I a little embarrassed when all the neighbors watched an outhouse erect in our yard?  Yes.  Was I a little embarrassed when one of the neighbor kids was sent over by her parents to ask what Chadd was building?  Yes.  Was I a little embarrassed when our neighbor said, "Let me know if you need someone to help you test it out."  Yes.
In this picture Ashly and Kyle are helping Chadd clamp the walls.

Christopher jumped on there when we weren't looking and said, "I'm going poopy!"  As a parent who is in full swing potty training mode I had to clarify with him, "Just pretend!"

Christopher had a blast with daddy's tools.  He wore his safety glasses, used the hammer and the tape measure.

Instead of going in the back where there was an opening to play under the toilet, Christopher would crawl through the toilet seat hole.  I will have to make sure he doesn't do this once this is put "into use."

He had fun with the "fuzzy stuff" as he called the saw dust.

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