Saturday, September 1, 2012

State Fair 2012

We had a great time at the "Great Minnesota Get Together" this year - the Minnesota State Fair!  There is just nothing like it.  I look forward to it every year.  Here Christopher is going through the farming exhibit!

Here Christopher is riding a kid snowmobile

Trying on a spongebob hat

We brought Ashly's boyfriend, Kyle, along this year.  They had a great time together at the fair!

Sitting on a kid's four wheeler.

Christopher (with the help of dad!) built a helicopter at the Home Depot kids workshop.

Here's the finished product! 
Eating one of our all time favorites - Sweet Martha's Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Ashly, Kyle and Christopher on the Giant Slide!

Walking around...

Kyle and Christopher going down the big slide at the kids midway

Ashly and Christopher climbing on a ride at the kids midway

Ashly going down the slide
Christopher going down the slide

Kyle going down the slide

There were LOTS of people!!!  So much to see and do.  We ate corn dogs and pronto pups, deep fried pickle, fresh cut french fries, sweet martha's cookies, ice cream cones and malts from the dairy barn, cheese curds, mini donuts, pizza!!!!!

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