Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

Last Sunday I saw Ashly's puppet show at the church. They did a song for the moms. It was cute. Ashly was the purple bird and her friend, Taylor, was the orange bird.

For Mother's Day we had a picnic at Hyland Park with Chadd's family. They have a big play area as you can see. That's Ashly climbing in the black.

We had some yummy food. Chadd grilled us some bacon cheddar burgers...yum, yum! This is a picture of Christopher chowing down a brownie and wanting another one!

Here's a group shot of all the wonderful family and friends at the picnic. Unfortunately we were there 1 1/2 hours and we were rained out.

This is Chadd's mom and her "raincoat." It was pretty cute!

Later at home it cleared up. Here Chadd is hauling a load of........sweetness!!!

Christopher was brave and when we had our backs turned, he climbed up the ladder.

Then it became a game where daddy had to catch him!

Christopher is growing so much. He is constantly learning more words and comprehending more of what you say. He is obsessed with trucks and motorcycles. He likes to watch the cars, trucks and motorcycles go by along the highway when I pick him up from daycare. We often pause for a few minutes before we get in the car to watch them all go by. He likes to watch the garbage truck pick up all the garbage cans if we are home on garbage day! When he is riding in the car he will yell, "I see big truck!!!" or "I see motorcycle!!!"

We take many walks to the park nearby and he will ride on his tricycle now, however, we are still pushing him. But he is learning how to pedal.

His favorite TV show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse..."where's toodles?"

He loves his sheep, froggy and easter bunny stuffed animals the best right now.

At daycare, they are converting him over to drink out of regular cup instead of sippy cups. But in the summer they get sippy cups with water outside. So we are trying to drink out of regular cups at home. I'm finding it harder than I thought it would be. I didn't realize that the sippy cup was somewhat of a comfort thing. It's hard, but we are working on it.

I finally bought a potty chair! The first night I brought it home, Christopher peed in it 4 times!!! I was so excited. He definitely understands how to do it. However, I'm not intensely potty training, but it's there and it's a start. I think he needs to show more signs before he is ready, but he usually sits on it once in the evening. He hasn't started any potty training at daycare yet.

I love watching Christopher grow and learn so many new things. This summer is going to be better than last summer. He can do so much more. He is a joy to have in our lives!

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