Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ashly's Special Day

Here we are at the church on Sunday, May 1st for Ashly's Confirmation. Thanks to everyone who got up early and came to church with us.

There were 13 kids getting confirmed.

Ashly read part of her "Faith Statement Paper" during the service.

The four of us.

Ashly and her grandparents.

Dad, Ashly, Mom and Me.

During the service, Ashly being blessed by the Pastor.

Jennie, Ashly and Steve. Bobbi is Ashly's godmother and we were glad to have Jennie and Steve stand in for Bobbi who is patiently awaiting the birth of her son in the next month. We missed you, Bobbi!!!

Jordyn, Ashly and Brittany.

Miranda and Ashly.

Ashly and Carissa, the youth director.

Miranda, Kayla and Ashly.

Christopher and Grandma.

It's Glen and Glen!

"Symons" Clan.

All the cousins.

I got out Ashly's Baptism pictures to look at and reminisce with. It was fun to see back 15 years ago. Ashly was baptised on March 3, 1996. She was about 3 weeks old. In the picture frame is mom's parents (Ashly's great-grandma and great-grandpa) holding Ashly.

The kids eating in the was cold outside!!!

Time to open gifts.

Dad had a nice speech to Ashly telling her how important this day is for the rest of her life.

Chadd's parents.

Congratulations Ashly!!! Chadd and I are so very proud of the young lady you are becoming! We love you!!!

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