Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fun Weekend

I'm so happy that Jennie, Steve, Libby, Brittany, Jordyn and Mom and Dad came this weekend for Ashly's Confirmation. We had fun hanging out on Saturday. Here we are at the hotel swimming. Christopher had so much fun!!! He was kicking in the water and screaming and had fun throwing the ball to Jennie! Grandma played with Christopher in the water too!

Here's Brittany, Jordyn and Ashly. The camera fogged up in the pool area.

Libby colored all three girls' hair. They are turned out nice! Ashly went darker.

After swimming, Christopher played catch with Uncle Steve.

Earlier in the day, we all enjoyed some of Chadd's onion souffle dip with crackers.

Yum! Yum!

Playing catch.

Christopher grilled with daddy! He saw an airplane in the sky in this picture!

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