Saturday, January 1, 2011


Here's Chadd's path to the Weber. He shoveled his way to the grill so we could have some yummy chicken to pack in our lunches all week.

Here's the snowy deck.

With Chadd going in and out there was snow on the rug that Christopher started eating. First of all, where did he learn that? I mean, he was just going to town eating the snow. It must be an instinct we are born with..."must eat snow..." Anyways, I decided to put some clean snow in a bowl for him and he ate about half of it. His poor little hands were ice cold! But he loved it!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone. I got home at 1130pm last night from work, just in time to crawl into bed and fall asleep by midnight! Ashly stayed up until 530am and had a good time partying at a friend's house. I wish you all health and happiness in 2011.

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