Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fever, Meat and Manny

Yesterday was a rough day for the little guy. He wasn't feeling so well. I know he got it from daycare on Monday and Tuesday. We had a lot of rock-a-bying yesterday. Today he is feeling better!
Chadd was pretty excited to get his TexMex sticks in the mail yesterday made from his deer. He was happy with how they tasted too!

Christopher all of a sudden started asking for "money, money" and we couldn't figure out what he was talking about. Finally, we realized he was asking for his Handy Manny flashlight and he calls it "manny." So now we know...when he says "money" it's really "manny" and he really wants Flicker the Flashlight. He loves that flashlight! Thanks to Jennie and Blake for getting it for him for Christmas. He needs more Handy Manny tools now!

Here he is being all excited because he sees "manny" on the TV.

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