One night I was blogging and I turned around after a long time and the kids were asleep in the chair! So cute!
Christopher is Ashly's little buddy. He is also saying, "sissy, sissy" If she is not home, he is asking for her.
We bought this wooden chest to put by our coats and Christopher had fun playing inside it as Chadd and Ashly tried to put it together.
Here's another early Christmas present from me to Christopher! His own little rocking chair. They were a good deal at Fleetfarm! (and Chadd puts things together in no time at all!)
Here Christopher is studying the printout and receipt from our photo session at Target Portrait Studio!
He likes to climb up on the wooden chest.
It's pretty darn cute!
Love those overalls!
He's really good about wearing his hat!
There's the rat again! Yes!