Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010: Part 2 of 3

Here we are at the lake house for Christmas with Chadd's family on Christmas Eve.

Here's the girl cousins.

Here's the boy cousins.

Here's all the kids!

Christopher and Ashly

Isn't Lucy the dog cute all dressed up?!

After a big meal, the kids went out and played on the frozen lake. Greg (Chadd's uncle) cleared an area for them with the snow blower.

Christopher's first present he got to open from Nana and Papa Larson. It was a big hit.

Hard hat.

Part of the room, opening presents.

Ashly wrapped Papa's fun size mounds candy bars separately so he had a shoebox full of small presents!

Ashly, Jackie and Rose showing off their new scarves!

So many presents. Thanks everyone!

Ashly and Nate playing a game.

Christopher playing with an assortment of his new potato heads.

Dada playing too!

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