Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010: Part 1 of 3

This is an early Christmas present Christopher opened on the 23rd. It kept him occupied!

Thursday eve was fun time we spent as a family. We made cheese sticks. They tasted just like Cheez it (the crackers) bread. Not bad.

And we made some jalapeno poppers. This is the before picture.

And this is after. They were scrumptious! (unless you got some seed, then they required something to drink!)


Christmas Eve morning the kids opened presents when we woke up.

Tickle Me Elmo!

Ashly's presents.

Ashly opening her presents. She was pretty excited!

Christopher loved Elmo!

We took several minutes between his presents so he could play in between!

Opening cat keyboard. Another hit!

He jumped on top of Elmo and rolled around.

Giving Elmo some lovin'

More lovin'

Opening some Little People

When he sits on Elmo like this it continually makes Elmo talk....over and over and over!

Ashly and Christopher all dressed up getting ready for Christmas celebration with Chadd's family.

Elmo had to come with!

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