Monday, September 20, 2010

Kyle's Birthday Party

We went to Chadd's Aunt Vicki and Uncle Ray's farm in Wheeler, Wisconsin yesterday for Kyle's birthday party. Kyle is Chadd's cousin, Michelle's, son. It was a beautiful day and everyone had so much fun with outdoor activities. There was so much to do. Almost everyone rode bikes and ATVs. The kids played football, rode small motor bikes, played baseball and badminton and ran around having fun. The women ventured on two walks - one up the ATV trail that was a little steep at times and the other walk two miles on the road. It was just a wonderful day! It was fun for me to see where Michelle and Keith grew up. It reminds me of the farm I grew up on North Dakota.

Family Picture - just a pose, we didn't actually ride like this :)

Christopher still doesn't like to ride, a little bit scary yet :(

Cousin Emily on the little dirt bike

Kids playing badminton.

Gathering around Kyle for gift opening

From the minute we got out of the truck Christopher loved it there - of course, there were three small dogs. All day long he said, "Puppy, puppy."

Just a pose!

Chadd's dad took them out for a "spin"

Ashly on the little scooter.

Hanging out by the fire.

Kids playing

Chadd loading up for the day...the fun is coming to an end.


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