Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The First Week of School

Ashly started 9th grade this week! She is still at the same junior high school she has been at the last two years so there's no major changes this year. Next year for 10th, 11th and 12th grade she'll be at the high school, but for this year she can just enjoy ruling the school as the cool older 9th graders! She said the first two days of school have gone well. Some of her classes are Woods, Sewing, English, Earth Science, Algebra, Spanish and Careers. She's had a little bit of homework, but not too bad yet.

Ashly had the confirmation sign up meeting today for church. This is her third year and at the end of the school year this spring she will be confirmed. As far as extra activities go for this year, Ashly is interested in being on the yearbook team, student council and track at the school and puppets at the church.

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