Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tiny baby

Christopher and I went to a baby shower today at work for one of my coworkers that just had a baby. She was due on March 2nd, but actually had her baby on January 30th. So she was tiny! Still only about 6 pounds, and to think that Christopher was never that small! I ordered the cake for the shower at Super Target. When I went to pick up the cake today, they had the name spelled wrong. They had Morgan and it's supposed to be Megan. Oh well, easily fixed! Christopher surprisingly did well and he liked all the attention from the ladies!


  1. wow...his smile is so beautiful...i wish i had those smile at least once in my life time...he's really a nice cute little baby you have got...he's adorable...
    Work From Home India

  2. Thank you for your kind words. His smile melts my heart too!
