Friday, March 5, 2010

15 Minutes of Fame

Here's Ashly receiving her silver medallion at the school board meeting last night. The guy that presented it to her is a representative of Prudential. Ashly's principal was also there and was really proud. He said that someone from Southwest won this award 10 years ago, so this is quite an honor! The other girl in the picture was a runner up and received a bronze metal. The other girl helped her blind friend adapt to school.

Ashly had to give a speech and she was mighty nervous. She basically repeated what the guy had just said, but it was fine. Chadd got up and took these pictures because we were sitting behind everyone and I chickened out! So...thank you, Chadd, for taking the pictures for me!

It was a neat experience and Ashly also received a letter from the man himself (drumroll please....) Barack!!! Ok...maybe his signature was a stamp, but still :) I have a feeling that our trip is going to be pretty awesome in May!

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