Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fun by the River

We were at Amy's cabin yesterday for Justin's 5th birthday. When I met Chadd's family, Amy was pregnant with Justin so I guess that means Chadd and I have been together for 5 years also! It was a really nice party and a really fun day. The kids swam in the water, Chadd and I took a jet ski ride. Christopher did good outside all day. We brought the pack-n-play for him to sleep in and his exersaucer to play in. The kids also jumped on the trampoline and sang karoake. Ashly water skied and did a great job! She went for quite a ways before she fell. It was only her second time trying and she got up right away. Way to go Ashly! We left before the bonfire, it's much easier to put Christopher to bed at home. Maybe next summer we can be more adventurous with him. Great party Johnsons!!!

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