Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July

Hope everyone had a happy July 4th. We did the usual Larson family tradition, and that was to walk in the parade in Excelsior. The kids decorate their bikes, scooters or strollers...and dogs! We all walk, then at the end we get a popsicle....and Chadd (or Mike!) gets cheese curds! Then we headed to the lakehouse for the rest of the day. Dave smoked his yummy pork and beans. We went on a boat ride on Lake Minnetonka. Christopher loved sitting out by the water on the deck. It was cool in the shade and the waves crashing on the shore were relaxing to him. He had a great time playing with Nana, Papa, Auntie Cindy and Auntie Val on the deck. Ashly had fun swimming all day and we left her there to watch the fireworks over the lake at 10pm and spend the night with all the kids.

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