Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I was in search of the next step to use for bath time. When Ashly was a baby, I had a ring thing that she could sit in tub so she wouldn't fall. They didn't have much at Babies R Us, so I found this blow up ducky bath tub at Target. I thought it was slightly obnoxious, but it actually works great! Christopher can sit up in there pecfectly so I don't have to hold him up in the bath tub. He likes to suck on the washcloth and kick and splash his legs. I have to admit, it makes for a cute picture!!! He has tried all the Gerber 1st foods veggies: peas, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes and squash. He loves them all. I am going to keep feeding him veggies for a while before I give him fruit.

Ashly babysat for the neighbor on Monday morning, and spent some time at the daycare today. Other than that she continues to occupy her time with her friends, and usually doesn't come home until 9 at night (either that, or there is a friend over here until 9!).

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