Tuesday, May 5, 2009

First day of daycare

Daycare went really good today. I woke Christopher up a little before six this morning. He was smiley, he got to say good bye to dad before he went to work...and then we were off to daycare! He was the first infant there. And he smiled for Melanie, the morning daycare lady. I brought in tons of diapers, wipes, formula, bottles, nuks, and extra clothes. I picked him up a little before 1pm. They said he did excellent. He took one really long nap and ate two bottles while he was there. His first nap he slept in the crib swaddled up. They said he fussed a little, but they went back and gave him his nuk, then he fell asleep. Then when I picked him up he was sleeping all swaddled up in the swing. What a good boy! They mentioned again today that Ashly is welcome to come and help and play with the daycare kids this summer. So far, I love this daycare. That makes going back to work so much easier! Chadd will be doing the morning drop-offs once I start work since I have mostly early shifts. And I will do the pick-ups! I have loved my maternity leave and I feel so lucky that I got to spend all that time with my little boy. Now we are entering a new stage in our lives...back to the real world! I feel good about going back to work now and am ready for it.

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