Monday, January 26, 2009

Out with the old, In with the new

Chadd had to say goodbye to his beloved blue couch this weekend. I gave him time to mourn the couch and we took this picture so he can always remember it! He bought the couch as one of his first big purchases right out of college and took it to Florida with him for a couple years, then it came back with him to Minnesota. And then...his wife wanted a new couch! Well, things are changing around here. We got a new green couch upstairs and the other pictures are of the family room downstairs with the new couch and loveseat, and the kitchenette area with the new appliances. The basement is not completely done (where's the TV one might ask?!), but it's getting there and it is ready enough for baby's arrival, which is the main concern!

So while I was out and about all weekend having baby shower fun, Chadd was getting rid of old furniture, getting the new furniture, and getting the baby's room ready!

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