Monday, January 26, 2009

More baby shower fun

On Saturday we had a baby shower hosted by Chadd's family at his sister, Val's, new house in Minnetonka (was fun to see the new house!). The shower was so nice. Good food, decorations, lots of fun games and I got lots of great gifts for the baby. I was really bad at taking pictures this, mom, can you send me a copy of your picutures? Thanks! And thanks to everyone that put effort into the shower, it was so nice. first gift I opened was the dreaded snake (see picture). It's a Helland tradition (Chadd's mom's side of the family) to pass this scary looking statue around as a gift to a life changing event (wedding, baby, etc.) We got it for our wedding too! The eyes freak me out a little bit! And Sharon (Chadd's mom) said she will find someone to help me pass it along to soon!

On Sunday we had baby shower put on by my friend's Laura and Marcia. It was so fun to see everyone there! More great food and fun games. Thanks for hosting and thanks for all the gifts. I have so many wonderful friends. I promised I would come visit and bring the baby up to the Acute Care Lab at the U, so hold me to that! pictures :(

I was so happy my mom and dad and sister, Jennie, came for the weekend to go to the showers. Thanks! And it was so fun seeing you.

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